Military Applications
STEC extensive experience in providing military-grade solutions allows us to offer you a diverse range of certified products, meeting high precision, high stability standards, including aviation. Among of our existing products, you can find:

Phase array and AESA Radar subsystem with High precision and high stability for:
Military Communication Subsystem:
- Radio transceivers for all type of Air-craft
- Satellite military communication and location detection (both sides, Ground base and Satellite terminal)
- TICN (Tactical Information & Communication Network)
- SigNet products with highly complex and wide band requirements
- High power and wide band Jammers

Missiles RF Subsystem:
- RF ground missile guidance
- Independent missile RF seeker

Simulators and Lab Tests:
- K(F)-16 Electronic warfare test equipment
- Variety of Anti Electronic warfare simulators
- Sonar test equipment
- EMC & EMI wide band and high-power Amplifiers